allcomics_thumb is a prototype of an online comic strip aggregator that collects and packages both newspaper comics and webcomics into a single page for easy reading. Users can create a free account and select their favorite strips, and they’re given a unique URL that they can visit daily without having to log in each time.

Example Profile:

mercurialHg Repository


feedcontrol_thumbFeedControl is a back-end script that I use to control and filter the RSS and podcast feeds that I use for my daily news. This script provides several key features, most notably filtering out posts by keyword (both traditional and regular expression pattern matching) and controlling when the feed gets updated. I can also pause my feeds when I’m on vacation. FeedControl works by routinely monitoring each of my choice RSS feeds and dumping the filtered results into a corresponding custom feed, which I can then plug into my RSS and podcast readers of choice.

I also pass many of the incoming RSS feeds through tt-rss, which allows me perform pattern matching on the entire content of each article rather than just the title and brief description. This is thanks to a tt-rss plug-in that can substitute in article content with some HTML scraping.

mercurialHg Repository

Vox: A Science Fiction Video Archive

vox_thumb My Masters Project was the creation of a digital archive prototype of moving image science fiction–including films, television shows and ancillary materials–for science fiction researchers. Users have the ability to search for and cross-reference films, episodes, documentaries and individual scenes, to compare two videos side by side and to queue videos for easy playback.

mercurialHg Repository