“Hello, Computer”

SFandC“Hello, Computer: The Interplay of Star Trek and Computing” is an essay that examines the relationship between the evolution of the personal computer and the computer as displayed in various incarnations of Star Trek. The essay was published in the book Science Fiction and Computing: Essays on Interlinked Domains.

The introduction to this essay is available below. A complete copy of this essay is available upon request:

Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24“Hello, Computer” (Introduction)

“Disney in the Era of the Science Fiction Blockbuster”

disney_thumb“Disney in the Era of the Science Fiction Blockbuster” is a report that I wrote for a class on Film and Technology. It examines how The Walt Disney Company responded to the science fiction film boom of the 1970s and 1980s from both an administrative and a technological perspective. The professor asked if he could submit it into an annual departmental competition for undergraduate research papers, an idea that was unfortunately nixed when he learned that my major was outside the department.

The introduction to this paper is available below. A complete copy of this paper is available upon request:

Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24Disney in the Era of the Science Fiction Blockbuster (Introduction)